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Privacy Settings for Loop XM

Written by Arutyun Airapetyan
Updated over 3 months ago


Privacy Settings allow Owners to set the policies for overall data collection as well as providing visibility on privacy policy.

It is important to note only account Owners can access privacy settings, if you are an account Owner and are not able to access privacy settings please contact and we will do our best to help.

To access privacy settings, select the Settings (1) tab in the left sidebar. Navigate to the Privacy (2) sub-menu page.

Privacy Settings

Privacy settings are divided into 3 sections: Data Collection, User Consent and Policies. Each section has a list of configurations with toggles to turn those on and off. The configurations have descriptions to understand the implications on changing the toggle from off to on.

Data Collection

A section of privacy settings that is responsible for what private data from Loop users would be collected and stored. At the moment we can enable and disable Collect IP and Collect User Agent.

Collect IP

When enabled would save the customers IP addresses in the database which, when another setting for geo-fencing is enabled, would allow or restrict access to Loop based on specific location.

Collect User Agent

When enabled would save the customers browser user-agent in the database, this would help identify which device type is used to access loop.

User Consent

Enables different consent levels when end-users complete survey in relations to privacy information collection. At the moment we can enable and disable: Collect GDPR Consent, Explicit Contact Consent and Double Opt-in.

Collect GDPR Consent

When enabled would ask for users consent prior to collecting PII in the surveys with contact question fields present.

Explicit Contact Consent

When enabled would uncheck the consent on contact details questions in all the loop surveys, requiring users to check them before entering the details.

Double Opt-in

When enabled would send an confirmation email to the customer after survey completion to verify the address, for more info please check the article: Double Opt-in


A section of privacy settings that controls the Privacy policies for end users. It is limited to one setting: Show Privacy Policy.

Show Privacy Policy

When enabled would show a link to a privacy policy page when filling up the contact details question in the survey.

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