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Responses Reporting

Viewing information on submitted Responses from Feedback and Kiosk Channels

Written by Arutyun Airapetyan
Updated over 4 years ago

The Responses report displays metrics related to customers’ responses to the
Smiley's or Thumbs questions in your surveys. The ratio of positive responses over the total number of responses produces a positivity rating.

Responses Summary

The table at the top of the Reports - Responses page displays a dashboard of data by each answer to the survey questions. It provides a 'per-answer' view of the data, sorted by category of survey question. Select a column header to sort the data by: in decreasing order, in increasing order, or in default order (e.g. by location title).

By default, the table displays percentages of answers that are positive per category. Clicking on the switch at the top-right corner above the table allows switching to counts of positive and negative answers per category. The percentage values are coloured best to worst by a colour range of green, amber and red, respectively.

Select the date range at the top of the page. If you have multiple locations, open the Report Settings menu by selecting the gear icon at the top of the page. Here you can choose one or multiple locations to report on.

This line graph illustrates change in the specified metric over time. Each line represents a location. Breaks in a line indicate time periods for which there is no data. Select the gear icon within the report to choose the metric to plot. 

Answers Counts metric is the absolute value of answers by location. Positivity metric is the ratio of positive to total answers of the selected category. Hover over or press on a line graph to display the data in text format, and also a shaded area representing the volume of data contributing to the calculation. A wider shaded area corresponds to more data in the calculation, whereas a comparatively small area signifies that the results are based on fewer customer answers and, therefore, are less representative.

Select the date range at the top of the page. If you have multiple locations, open the Report Settings menu by selecting the gear icon to choose one or multiple locations to report on.

Response Hourly Heat Map

The Response Hourly Heath Map provides hour-by-hour granularity of performance feedback to gauge operational strength & weakness. Problems with the team, the shift loading, break times, leadership or policies can be identified with as little as one or two weeks of data.

With Dynamic Coloring, the heat map is colored red-orange-green based on the % positivity (green being highest) of all the data points on the grid. In this color scale the best hour blocks are brightest green and the worst is dark red.

The heat map data is sized by the number of responses received during the time window. The larger the point, the more confidence in the result.

The first example shows a three-week period and some obvious trouble around close on Friday/Saturday with some recurring mid-afternoon weakness 4-6 pm.

Looking at the same location over four months, 6pm is clearly an operational challange and the 3pm window on Sundays is a consistent challenge:

These reports provide a visualization of the positivity trend over time for one or more locations. The dots vary in size based on the quantity of responses; the colors range from red to yellow to green representing the positivity of feedback. Note that the color of each dot represents the position of each rating in comparison to the entire Heat Map, and is not necessarily indicative of good or bad results.

The time period for each point in the Response Trends Heat Map is at least a single day, but depending on the reporting time window can be as broad as weeks, months or even years summarized by a single point.

Depending on the user's level of visibility, the report may show one or all locations. If an 'all locations' report is visible, the user may drill-down to any single location. 

Changing the report setting to a single location displays a Heat Map for that specified location. This report can be useful to identify the days and times when issues occur. For example, in the Response Trends Heat Map below, the large red dot in first week December is a problem week. Finding the cause (understaffing, distractions due to deliveries, bad weather, etc.) lets you prevent a potentially recurring issue.

These date ranges will modify from months to days of the week depending on the time frame selected at the top of the Responses page.

The same visual is available for many locations. Again, time ranges vary based on the overall reporting period but the results are side-by-side comparison of performance.

It is clear that the 'My Third Location' has trouble on the Fri/Sat/Sun shifts (see mid January) and the 'My First Location' has spotty Tuesday/Thursday service.

Report Settings

The settings controls located at the top of the page include a Location drop down menu from which you can select All Locations or a single location.

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