Tickets are used to manage complaints from guests. When setting up a survey project, conditions can be applied that would trigger the creation of a ticket based on a guest's response to a question.
Tickets can be accessed by hovering over the black navigation bar on the left and clicking “Tickets”. The Tickets screen is split into 3 sections:
Ticket Views on the left
Tickets within the Chosen View in the centre
Ticket Filters on the right
Ticket Views
There are 4 ticket views that are accessible:
My Tickets
Open Tickets
Closed Tickets
All Tickets
My Tickets
My Tickets will show all Open tickets that are assigned to you as a user. These include tickets that have been assigned to you by other users or tickets that you have assigned to yourself.
Open Tickets
Open tickets are tickets with a status of “Open” that are not yet assigned to a user (as can be seen in the screenshot below).
Closed Tickets
Closed tickets are tickets with a status of “Resolved” or “Unresolved”. These are all tickets that were created either through a survey or manually but have now been closed.
All Tickets
The All Tickets view shows you all Open, Resolved and Unresolved tickets for the locations your user is assigned to. These also include tickets that are not assigned to you.
Ticket Status Management
With Release 4.12, users will have more control over ticket statuses. When configuring statuses, users can now set up a set restriction and an unset restriction. This will control what level of permission is required to change a given status. This allows certain statuses to become exclusive to only those with the appropriate permission.