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Privacy Policy
Written by Aniko Villeneuve
Updated over a week ago

Benbria Inc. and Benbria Corporation (“Benbria”) is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit the Benbria’s Web sites, individuals who register to use the Services as defined below, and individuals who use the services anonymously (collectively “Customers”). This Privacy Statement describes Benbria’s privacy practices in relation to the use of the Benbria’s Web sites and the related applications and services offered by Benbria (“Services”).

1. Web Sites Covered

This Privacy Statement covers the information practices of Web sites that link to this Privacy Statement, including:;; (collectively referred to as “Benbria’s Web sites”).

Loop,, is an online, omni-channel communications platform that connects business and their customers. When the Loop services are offered by Benbria through an alternate URL and the application links to this Privacy Statement, this Privacy Statement applies.

Benbria’s Web sites may contain links to other Web sites. The information practices or the content of such other Web sites is governed by the privacy statements of such other Web sites. Benbria encourages you to review the privacy statements of other Web sites to understand their information practices.

2. Information Collected

When expressing an interest in obtaining additional information about the Services or registering to use the Services, Benbria requires individuals to provide personal contact information, such as name, company name, address, phone number and email address (“Required Contact Information”) as well as data specific to your engagement with the business such as your stay information (room, arrival and departure times), loyalty or membership status with the business, recent purchases made with the business or information as directed by the business ("Additional Profile Information".

When purchasing the Services, Benbria may require you to provide Benbria with financial qualification and billing information, such as billing name and address; industry (“Billing Information”).

When configuring the Services, Benbria may require you to provide the latitude and longitude, addresses, store number, store name and categorization information for each target location. Benbria may also require you to provide contact information, including name, phone number, and email address, for individuals registered within the Services (“Configuration Information”).

Required Contact Information, Additional Profile Information, Billing Information and Configuration Information about Customers are referred to collectively as “Data About Benbria Customers”.

As you navigate Benbria’s Web sites, Benbria may also collect information through the use of commonly-used information-gathering tools, such as cookies and online forms (“Web Site Navigational Information”). Web Site Navigational Information includes standard information from your Web browser (such as browser type and browser language), your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address and the actions you take on Benbria’s Web sites (such as the Web pages viewed and the links clicked).

When you visit Benbria’s Web sites, Benbria collects your Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses to track and aggregate non-personal information. For example, Benbria uses IP addresses to monitor the regions from which Customers and Visitors navigate Benbria’s Web sites.

3. Use of Information Collected

Benbria uses Data About Benbria Customers to perform the services requested. For example, if you engage on the Loop platform to make a request of the bueinss, Benbria will use the information provided to help connect you with the business and fulfill your request. If you fill out a “Contact Me” Web form, Benbria will use the information provided to contact you about your interest in the Services.

Benbria may also use Data About Benbria Customers for marketing purposes. For example, Benbria may use information you provide to contact you to further discuss your interest in the Services and to send you information regarding Benbria, its affiliates and its partners, such as information about promotions or events.

Benbria uses Web Site Navigational Information to operate and improve Benbria’s Web sites. Benbria may also use Web Site Navigational Information alone or in combination with Data About Benbria Customers to provide personalized information about Benbria.

4. Public Forums and Customer Testimonials

Benbria may provide community tools, knowledge bases, forums, bulletin boards, blogs, live chat services or chat rooms on Benbria’s Web sites. Any personal information you choose to submit in such a forum may be read, collected or used by others who visit these forums, and may be used to send you unsolicited messages. Benbria is not responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these forums.

Benbria posts a list of Customers and testimonials on Benbria’s Web sites that contain information such as Customer names and titles. Benbria obtains the consent of each Customer prior to posting any information on such a list or posting testimonials.

5. Customer and Loop Data

Benbria Customers may electronically submit data or information to the Services for hosting and processing purposes (“Customer Data”). Benbria will not review, share, distribute or reference any such Customer Data except as provided in the Benbria Software License Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy, or as may be required by law. In accordance with the Benbria Software License Agreement, Benbria may access Customer Data only for the purpose of providing the Services, collecting aggregate statistical data for analysis and intelligence, preventing or addressing service or technical problems, at a Customer’s request in connection with customer support matters, or as may be required by law.

During use of the Loop Services, Customers may choose to post or upload information to the Services through normal use of the application, including comments, questions, responses, personal email addresses, personal phone numbers, location or other media (“Loop Data”). Any Loop Data you choose to submit may be read, collected, or used by others who have sufficient permission to access the Services.

6. Sharing of Information Collected

Service Providers

Benbria may share Data About Benbria Customers and Data About Benbria Attendees with Benbria’s contracted service providers so that these service providers can provide services on our behalf. Please see the List of Third Parties article for such service providers. Benbria may also share Data About Benbria Customers with Benbria’s service providers to ensure the quality of information provided. Other than what is described in this document, Benbria does not share, sell, rent, or trade any information with third parties for their promotional purposes.

Benbria Affiliates

Benbria may share Data About Benbria Customers with other companies in order to work with them, including affiliates of the Benbria corporate group. For example, Benbria may need to share Data About Benbria Customers for customer relationship management purposes.

Business Partners

From time to time, Benbria may partner with other companies to jointly offer products or services. If you purchase or specifically express interest in a jointly-offered product or service from Benbria, Benbria may share Data About Benbria Customers collected in connection with your purchase or expression of interest with our joint promotion partner(s). Benbria does not control our business partners’ use of the Data About Benbria Customers we collect, and their use of the information will be in accordance with their own privacy policies. If you do not wish for your information to be shared in this manner, you may opt not to purchase or specifically express interest in a jointly offered product or service.

Compelled Disclosure

Benbria reserves the right to use or disclose information provided if required by law or if Benbria reasonably believes that use or disclosure is necessary to protect Benbria’s rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process.

7. International Transfer of Information Collected

To facilitate Benbria’s global operations, Benbria may transfer and access Data About Benbria Customers and Data About Benbria Attendees from around the world, including the United States. This Privacy Statement shall apply even if Benbria transfers Data About Benbria Customers or Data About Benbria Attendees to other countries.

8. Communications Preferences

Benbria offers Customers registered and with active accounts on the Loop Service who provide contact information a means to choose how Benbria uses the information provided. You may manage your personal email and phone contact information through the Services to control receipt of communications. Additionally, you may send a request specifying your communications preferences to Customers cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails or emails of a legal nature related to their account with Benbria or the Services.

9. Security

Benbria implements security measures to protect Customer Data from unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and help ensure the appropriate use of Customer Data. Where available and supported by the Customer’s web browser or device, the Services are accessed using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology protects Customer Data using both server authentication and data encryption. These technologies help ensure that Customer Data is safe, secure, and only available to the Customer to whom the information belongs and those to whom the Customer has granted access. Benbria hosts its Services in secure server environments that use advanced technology to prevent interference or access from outside intruders. Benbria also offers enhanced security features within the Services that permit Customers to configure security settings to the level they deem necessary. Customers are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of their Benbria usernames and passwords. For more information, see Benbria's Security Guide.

10. Changes to this Privacy Statement

Benbria reserves the right to change this Privacy Statement. Benbria will provide notification of the material changes to this Privacy Statement through Benbria’s Web sites at least fifteen (15) business days prior to the change taking effect.

11. Contacting Us

Questions regarding this Privacy Statement or the information practices of Benbria’s Web sites should be directed to Benbria Privacy by mailing Benbria at with “Privacy Policy” included in the subject.

Benbria Inc. and Benbria Corporation (“Benbria”) is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals who visit the Benbria’s Web sites, individuals who register to use the Services as defined below, and individuals who use the services anonymously (collectively “Customers”). This Privacy Statement describes Benbria’s privacy practices in relation to the use of the Benbria’s Web sites and the related applications and services offered by Benbria (“Services”).

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