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Weekly Push Email Report

Information on configuring the Weekly Push Email Report

Written by Aniko Villeneuve
Updated over a week ago

Weekly Push Reports can be configured to send dashboard information to specific Team Members. Metrics are included in a weekly push email report that summarizes metrics for a single location. This report has the following characteristics:

  • Sending Interval: Weekly

  • Reference Data: Current and Prior Week

An example push email report is below – shown in both large and mobile display format:

Metrics can included in this report are (showing also calculation detail):

  • Guest Happiness | Number of happy guest conversations vs. total conversations over the previous week in percentage format.

  • Message Response Time | The median overall chat response time of all staff combined for a given property over the previous week in minutes.

  • Request Fulfillment Time | The median overall OnDemand request fulfillment time of all staff combined for a given property over the previous week in minutes.

  • Revenue | The amount in dollars of all OnDemand menu items with associated price sold over the past week (to the nearest dollar).

  • Guest Check-Ins | The number of guests that checked-in over the past week.

  • Invites Sent | The total number of guests who received invitations over the previous week.

  • Invites Opened | The total number of invitations opened by guests in the past week.

  • Conversations Started | The total number of new conversations opened in the past week.

Access to report for a given user is based on:

  • The location subscriptions of the user, and

  • An enabled "Weekly Report" user account flag (shown below).

The scope of the report is a single location. If a given user is subscribed to several locations, they will receive multiple reports for each individual location.


The sending time is specified on the account level and is localized to each the individual location’s time zone (Loop tracks the time zone of each hotel property).

To configure the Weekly report correctly, the task must be scheduled using Bootstrap Scheduled Tasks page and the time of sending must be specified:

The reporting period is defined as the prior week, ending with the most recent midnight.

Example: Today is July 10th (based on the time zone of the location in question) and a report is being generated at some time today, the report would contain data starting from 12:00am on July 3rd (00:00 in 24hr format) through to 12:59.59pm on July 9th (23:59.59 in 24hr format). No data from July 10th would be included.

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