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Inbox Overview

An overview of the shared inbox and responding to customers

Written by Aniko Villeneuve
Updated over a week ago

A Conversation within Loop is the primary way to interact with customers when they ask a question, leave a comment, or to provide some other kind of actionable feedback to your users.

The Conversations window is split into several panels which contain different tools to use when interacting with a customer.

The Inbox will have access to some or all of the following features depending on the level of access your account has, and the types of modules enabled.

Comment Panel

The Comment Panel is where you can engage with your customers in real-time, view the conversation history with the customer, and add internal notes to the specific conversation selected. This panel is also where users are able to modify information about the customer's profile in Loop and add relevant tags to the conversation.

The top right-hand corner of the Comment Panel is where you’ll find the Conversation Details, Tags, and Show/Hide Contact Details toggles.

Conversation Details

The Conversation Details page is where users can modify information about the customer associated with the conversation you are currently viewing. Here you can change the title of the conversation, view the initial message sent by the customer add or modify guest details, locations, other custom fields and tags.


Tags allow users to manually assign attributes to conversations that are ongoing. These tags can also be auto-assigned to conversations depending on how they have been configured. As an example: a tag of “Gym/Pool/Fitness” can have the phrases “trainer”, “workout”, or “exercise” associated with it. Doing so will automatically tag a conversation where those phrases are present in a customer comment.

More information on tags and auto-tagging can be found in the following Help Center article.

Show/Hide Contact Details

This option allows users to show or hide the Contact Details panel on the far-right hand side of the screen.

Comment Window

The Comment Window is where any replies to the customer will be input by the user. It is also the location where internal notes can be entered for other users to view.

The "Reply" option is selected by default, the window is highlighted in blue and any content entered can be seen by customers and other users.

Selecting the “Note” option will highlight the comment window in pink, signifying that anything written can only be viewed by internal users.

For either method of posting comments, selecting the “Archive” option in the bottom left-hand corner of the comment window will close out the conversation and move it to the Archive section of your account.

The camera icon in the top-right hand corner of the comment window allows users to attach images to conversations. The attachment will be posted to the conversation and accessible by users and/or customers depending on whether the attachment is added as a public Reply or internal Note.

The chat icon will bring up a list of pre-configured responses accessible by the user. These are templates created by an admin that allow users to post replies to common questions in a quick and efficient manner.

Responses can be found using the “Search Auto Responses” bar. Clicking a response will close the auto responses window and paste the text into the comment window.

Note: the user will still need to click the Send or Post option to attach the auto response to the conversation.

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