With Loop 360 and Tickets, you are able to set Service-Level Agreements (SLAs) that establish strict response guidelines for your organization to better serve your customers.
Multi-Level Service Level Agreements
Enterprise Loop 360 users can enable multi-level service level agreements (SLA) to improve the tracking and reporting of customer requests. Upon enabling, users will find a new "Secondary Resolution Target" column in the table found within the Service Level Agreements tab of the Settings page.
To get the SLAs setup, navigate to the Settings section and open the Service-Level Agreement menu.
Here you are able to set the Response and Resolution Time Targets in minutes for Low, Medium, and High priority tickets that are created.
Response Time Targets are used to establish the first communication back to the customer. Having a quick Response Time can further assist the customer during the experience and improve the customer relationship.
Resolution Time Targets can be used as an internal benchmark to set ticket resolution expectations. Having a timely resolution expectation improves the customer experience and keeps your employees accountable.
When you have established what the Response and Resolution times should be for your organization, be sure to Enable SLAs with the check box.